Living Psalm 23

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“I’m so sorry to say that your book project was not approved by our publishing committee.”

Was it just a year ago that I read these words?
Opening my email after a fantastic Zoom with my 2023 Journey with a Giant group, I was heartbroken. Pitching my book idea to my favorite publisher at a writer’s conference the previous fall, I’d been living the writer’s dream. We’d been in negotiations for three months, right on the precipice of a contract, only to hear those dreaded words no author wants to hear.
I won’t say that I was devastated, and maybe heartbroken is too strong. But I did need a minute to catch my breath.
In my disappointment, my Shepherd was with me. Before jumping to the next action, He led me to take a week to be still. Laying down in his green pastures, refreshed by his quiet waters, he restored my strength. I was ready to take the next steps on the path of righteousness he had for me.  
I’ve learned that when we go through our big and small valleys of the shadow of death, there’s nothing to fear. It’s not the end of the story. At times, when we mistakenly think we’re at the happy ending, there is still more that the Lord needs to write in the middle.
There were roots to deepen, articles and chapters to write, a Spiritual Giant group to lead, conferences to attend, agents to meet, and pitching to do.
When things got foggy, and I didn’t know what step to take or if I had the strength to continue, I would feel the gentle tap of my Shepherd’s rod and staff guiding me on the right path. Someone would appear with the perfect word, or a new door would open, or I would see the light in someone’s eyes when I shared the book’s message, and I would know that He had entrusted me with something special, and I must go on.
It's been a long journey.  I started writing in January 2021.
It’s so good that we don’t know what we are committing to when we first make our decisions. So many things in life are like that!
Meeting that right guy or gal and talking about Marriage, we naively say, “Oh hey, let's get married, it’ll be fantastic!”
Or having children, “Oh, yes, a baby? Absolutely! That would be so fun!”  
Or how about our divine assignments?
Do any of God’s people understand what he is asking when he knocks and says, “There is something I’d like for you to do”?  And we respond enthusiastically, “Yes, Lord, send me!”
Did Mary know what she was saying, “Yes” to when the angel appeared to her? Or Paul, when the Lord called him to be an apostle to the Gentiles? Or Peter, James, or John when Jesus called them to come and be his disciples?
Or you and I in our more ordinary assignments?
In God’s divine mercy, he keeps us from knowing how much it will require.  
And even if we did, just like marriage or children, we wouldn’t change a thing. We would still give a hearty “Yes!” because even with the sacrifice, there’s nothing to compare with the joy of walking in His will.
I had yet to learn what this book assignment would take.
Last summer, attending the Scriptoria Writers’ Workshop, I wasn’t actively pitching my proposal but decided to bring copies at the last minute. The publisher my contract had fallen through with was offering 15-minute Zoom appointments. Giving ample time for others who hadn’t met with her before to sign up, there was still an open slot when I strolled past the clipboard. Not knowing what I would say, I thought, “What the heck? Just go in and give her an update. Continue building the relationship. What could it hurt?”
She was glad to see me and asked if I was pitching. When I told her no, she said, “Lori, if there are other publishers you want to pitch to, don’t wait until your book or Journey with a Giant small group is done. Do it now.”
The Lord used her words.
I went home, blew off my dusty proposal, and sent it out for editing. I pitched to see if I could get an agent and got ready to give it my best shot. Traditional publishing contract or self-publishing, I felt the Lord prompting me to get the book into a publisher’s hands in 2024.
In August, the Lord gave me the perfect agent. In September, she started sending out the proposal.
On November 15, a blessed email arrived with the words every author longs to hear, “This letter is to confirm our intent to offer a publishing contract…”
Last January, hearing, “I’m so sorry to say,” the Lord’s path of righteousness didn’t seem good. When I didn’t think there could be a publisher more perfectly suited, I was wrong.
During negotiations, after a Zoom call with my soon-to-be publisher’s acquisitions team, I sat awestruck in my chair.  With the past three years cascading through my mind, I closed my eyes and shook my head, amazed at the goodness of God and his perfect path.
Getting to know the team, I couldn’t have been more convinced that this publisher understood the concept, would make the book the best it could be, and give it the farthest reach.
Anointing my head with oil, my cup was overflowing. The Lord opened a door beyond what I could have asked or hoped.
It took almost two months for all the negotiations. Then, on January 5th, 2024, my agent called. The final contract had arrived! She, Bryan, and I met that night to sign and celebrate!
I know that not every part of our life story has a fairy tale ending. Regardless of whether a traditional publishing contract came or not,
I believe that when the last page is written, each of us with this great God as our Shepherd will look back and exclaim, “Surely his goodness and love followed me all the days of my life.”
Enjoying this sweet moment, this story is living proof.
How about you? When have you been awestruck by his love or goodness?

~ Lori


The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

    He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

    he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
    for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk
    through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
    for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely your goodness and love will follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
    forever.   NIV



Becoming One: Do We Really Have To Pray Together?


Category #1: Spirit