Resources for the Journey
A Quiet Guide to Time Alone with God
Into a confused world exhausted by unexpected and wearying cares and suffocated by heartrending choices, comes this comforting book moving softly like a sweet breath of fresh, exhilarating air. Written for those who hunger and thirst to truly "experience" God at a deeper level, this book acts as a kind, loving mentor and guide, inviting all who read to "come" and sit in silence, completely alone with God. This companionable volume takes the reader through a personal spiritual retreat experience from beginning to end: one day or even days long. It moves from the beginning to the end of retreat time, answering questions, removing roadblocks, deftly and ever gently paving the way to the Holy of Holies where the God of love will always be waiting, saying "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Matthew 11:28, 29
The Too Busy Book
By: Linda Andersen
God Is Not in a Hurry.
So why are we…all the time? If we were created in his image, why are we so determined to move at a pace faster than his? It’s time to step on the brakes, slow down, and begin living the unhurried life God wants for us.
Here Is Your Invitation to Exchange Busyness for Bounty.
This collection of reflections, journaling questions, and practical, decision-making helps will gently lead you from frenzied to focused, from busy to balanced. Written in coffee-break length chapters, The Too-Busy Book is an irresistible summons to slow down and catch up with the abundant life you were created to enjoy.
From Scattered to Scooting up to the Table
Pushy play on the secret podcast.
+ I’ll lead you through every step of the way.
If you’ve been longing to draw near to Emmanuel, let this Advent be the season.
An 82-page downloadable lectio divina journal,
An 24-episode secret podcast
+ a LIVE Zoom event on Tuesday, Dec. 5th at 7pm ET
Make a life-changing pilgrimage, beginning this Advent.
Oriens is a Latin word meaning "rising" and "dawn." Your Oriens journey begins on the First Sunday of Advent and continues until the feast of the Presentation on February 2. Each day, you'll take a step closer to "the dawn from on high."
Fr. Joel Sember is your leader on this pilgrimage, one in which you will learn what God is revealing to you through Scripture and prayer. With Oriens as your guidebook, you'll learn how to pray and reflect more deeply. For each entry, you'll read a Scripture passage, receive Fr. Joel's guidance on how to pray with that passage, and find questions for reflection and journaling.
If in years past you have felt like you weren't really "doing" Advent and just skipping right to celebrating Christmas, this book will speak to you. If you utilized Oriens in previous years to intensify your Advent preparation and Christmas celebration, then you already know this book will open you up to God speaking directly into your heart.
Welcome, Oriens pilgrim.