God is at Work and Wants a Living Relationship with You!

Spiritual Direction offers the gift of companionship in helping to discern God’s leadings in your life.  Before even one cell of our bodies were formed God had purposes for each of us. 

His, and our, greatest delight is in discovering those purposes and becoming all He intended us to be.


Life isn’t easy…

There can be many pitfalls.  We need companionship to help us find our way and stay on the paths God has designed for us. 

In doing this, we can discover the truly abundant life that Jesus came to bring.  


Meeting in a 1 on 1 setting…

A spiritual direction appointment is an hour set apart as sacred space believing that God is longing to draw us closer to His heart and holds all the answers we seek. Direction honors God’s desire to speak when we give him the time and space to do so. The real Director is the Holy Spirit. In our individualistic nature we forget that God designed human beings to need each other for all He has for them to become. The Spiritual Director serves as a companion trained in discernment to help the directee notice where God is moving along their path of life.

Feel free to contact us for more information