Waking Up to Pilgrimage

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“Pilgrimage, “A journey with God in search of God.” Pete Grieg, Prayer 24/7 Ministries
Maybe you’ve taken a trip to Israel to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, or a friend or family member has come back suntanned, with a bulging photo album and stories they frustratingly try to convey as words just aren’t enough to do it justice.
I remember this experience with my mom. She’d been talking about her recent trip to Scotland, something she referred to as a “pilgrimage” to this place I’d never heard of, called “Iona”.
Supposedly, Christians had traveled there for over 1000 years and experienced something divine.  Sitting beside her, I was polite as she flipped through her photos trying to describe this trip that had affected her way more than a vacation. What I remember most was the cute, silver, Celtic-shaped earrings she brought back for me. One of the only souvenirs from another person’s travel I’d ever had any use for. (I digress)
I sat, giving head nods, “ooh’s” and “ahh’s” but I didn’t get it.  Getting close to bedtime with kids scurrying around my feet, I was thinking more about who needed baths than the powerful spiritual practice she was trying to share with me.
I’d never given pilgrimage much thought. A trip to Israel had been on my radar, like it probably is on most Christian’s, “Things I should do, Bucket List,” but never a burning passion.
A few years ago, at 40+ years old, it took a young college student on a flight home from Mexico, for me to finally wake up.
Sitting on a plane side by side, she told me about her parents who were just finishing their second month-long trip “walking the Camino”; a 500-mile pilgrimage across northern Spain. I’d always loved walking and being the baby of the family, my eyes lit up at every hint of adventure. A vacation where you could walk and be profoundly touched by God, what could be better?
I was also in the midst of Spiritual Direction training where I was learning about holy people from history.  Uncovering the details of their lives walking with God, I began to see each person’s life as a journey.
It wasn’t only these holy ones from the class whose lives had a pattern of a life journey with God, but all the heroes of the faith from the Old and New Testaments who obeyed God’s instructions, daily stepping out in faith, not knowing the details of where he was taking them and trusting Him to lead.
Looking back at my own life I remember, strongly sensing God calling me to leave my home state and go to Hope College in Michigan. I was excited and yet there were many unknowns.

I remember thinking I must be crazy. I had a Nursing Scholarship if I stayed in New York. I had friends, a job, a great youth group, and church. Never were these dearer, than as the day grew closer that I was to leave. I remember telling my spiritual mentor, Fran, about my doubts, and him immediately saying, “Oh no, Lori, you have to go! Don’t hold back. God has great things for you!”
Thank God, He helped me step out in faith on my life’s pilgrimage and trust Him to show me the way.
I now see that each of us is on a divine pilgrimage. A completely unique sacred journey “walking with God in search of God”. A holy adventure from birth to death stepping out in faith to do what He’s called us to. Leading us on a path He has ordained to draw us closer and closer to Him, until we reach our destination.
Since that day flying through the air, my fascination with pilgrimage hasn’t stopped growing. I have no idea why I’m so captivated or where it will lead.
But I do know this, that the Spirit of God lives within each one of us, stirring up the things He wants to use to shape us and bring His blessings to the world.
There are gifts within each spiritual practice. What a delight as He wakes us up to each one.

How about you? Have you ever gone on a Pilgrimage? How did it change you? 

~ Lori


Pilgrimage, The Grit and the Joy


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