5 Easy Ways to Worship Jesus This Easter Week

(Read or Click Here to listen to the Podcast)
If Easter is the most important day for a Christian of the whole year, how is it that so often it gets here, and I’m totally oblivious?!
It doesn’t help that the date changes every year, but I do own a calendar, so I can’t blame it on that. First, I need to determine the date. This year, it’s March 31.
Something in my love for Jesus’ bones hurts when Easter arrives, and I haven’t given my Savior the attention He deserves. It’s just not right to miss this annual opportunity to think about God’s great love and what Jesus did for us.
I don’t want to race off to Good Friday service, plop down in a chair at church, think really quick about the crucifixion, spend “Holy Saturday” running errands and prepping for company, and then abruptly wake up Easter Sunday with a “Hallelujah, He is Risen!” on my lips but only slightly penetrating my heart.
It’s strange, but growing up in a denominational church, before I knew Jesus, with services and rituals we did every year during “Holy Week,” I paid more attention than I have since getting “saved” and attending non-denominational churches. Maybe in trying to get away from empty religious rituals in favor of having a living relationship with Jesus, we’ve walked away, in some respects, from the richness of this annual Christian holiday.
I’m wondering if we could combine the two, leaving behind practices we may not find meaningful while taking the time to savor and appreciate the season.
If you feel the same way, we can start by lifting up a prayer to God telling Him how much we love Him and that we don’t want it to be this way. Then, ask Him to show each of us how we can draw close and worship Him between now and Easter.  

Here are 5 Easy Ways

  1. Look at your calendar. Clear off what you can, as we do during Christmas week, to make room in your heart, mind, and soul.

  2. Worship with an Easter playlist. Spotify and YouTube are great places to find these. Simply pop “Easter Contemporary Worship” into the search, and voila! Play it as you get ready for your day, or in your car, spend time around the house or outside.  

  3. Enjoy Easter devotional readings. The YouVersion Bible app on your phone has some great ones this month as you scroll down the home page under “Featured Plans,” or do an internet search for “Holy Week or Easter Devotions.”  

  4. Watch an Easter movie, like Ben-Hur, Son of God, or The Passion. Even though I can hardly stand the whipping scene, my husband and I watch The Passion every year to remind us of God’s great love.

  5. Easter Day.  Look up what time the sun will rise, wake up before dawn, make yourself a hot drink, sit outside, go on a prayerful walk, or watch from inside through your window as the sun’s rays light the morning. Think about the stone rolling away from the tomb on Easter morning. Praise God for all He is and tell him how thankful you are for your relationship made possible through Jesus’ sacrifice.

Then celebrate the day with your church, family, and friends, eating lots of chocolate and thinking about how good our God is, who continually overflows us with blessings that we can see, feel, and taste!  
Would love to hear ... What idea do you sense God leading you to?

~ Lori


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