Come Away to the serenity of 20 acres of woodland, situated along Bear Creek, neighboring the Allegan State Game Area and Kalamazoo River 

Discover a place set apart to shake off the entanglements
of everyday life and grow in Intimacy with God.

Deep within every human soul
is a longing to KNOW God.  

The good news is, that is what He wants too! 

Sprawling acreage and trails for prayerful reflection and retreat accommodations in the Secret Place Retreat Room or Prayer Cabin, designed for those whose hearts are longing for time with God.    

More than a retreat location; the Sanctuary is a hub of resources to enrich your relationship with God wherever you live!

So Good to Meet You

We are Bryan and Lori Melton, the Owners/Directors of The Sanctuary at Bear Creek. We have been happily married for over 30 years. Having six grown children, two "daughters in love", and two grandchildren looking back at us in our family photo, we’re blessed beyond words!

We are so thankful to be partners in life, business, and ministry, and passionate about knowing God and living in community with others.

With the world as noisy as it has become, we are all desperately in need of quiet places to abide with Christ. In answer to this need, we delightedly offer The Sanctuary.

We look forward to welcoming you and together, receiving, all God has for us.

Blessings to each of you on your journey! 

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Mornings Alone with God (MAWG)

The 2nd Saturday of the month

March 8, April 12, May 17, 2025
9:00 - 11:30 am

Winter Location: Christ Community Church, 3370 113th Ave, Allegan, MI 49010

Jeremiah 33:3 tells us, “Call upon me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things which you do not know.”

God always longs to speak to his children and show them the way to go.

What would happen if we were to take these few hours to ask him and then listen?


  • “I sat with my toes in the water, the refreshing coolness of the flowing creek on a warm Spring day. I reflected on everything going on in me and around me. Quieting the outside influences, so that I could hear what God had for me. At first, it was uncomfortable to schedule the morning hours away from my busy schedule, but when our time was up, I didn't want to leave. The Sanctuary has a unique way of transporting you to a place where you can truly process what God is stirring in your heart. ”


  • As I walked into the woods on the path to the "Abide" cabin, I felt God's presence so strongly in my soul! This cabin is a place I'll remember as "Perfect Peace". What a pleasure this has been! "Take my hand Precious Lord - lead me on."

  • I scheduled a day away with Jesu here at the Sanctuary because the next several months at work will be non-stop busyness and stress. So, I came to fill up my soul care tanks. Despite the snow and rain, it has been beautiful! I've spent hours out in nature, marveling at the trout and salmon in the creek, watching birds at the feeder, spying on a great blue heron, and walking on a dirt two-track as if I were the only person on the planet. Just me and my risen Jesus. The perfect celebration of my life in Him and His life in me. I feel ready for the challenges ahead."

  • As promised, this is a Sanctuary. Build on a firm foundation. I have decided after this DAWG day that I now need a desk by my window to the woods to write. Certainly has its charm. God is in this place. Thank you. Thank you.

  • This weekend has been interesting for me. I connected with God just by laying down and doing nothing. I was reminded how God was not in the fire or the earthquake but in the silence."

  • This place is definitely set apart as a refuge for restoration. I feel it in my bones. This weekend has been extra special since I was able to bring my son for the first time. He is just as awe-struck by the majesty of this place as I am. And we have had some priceless bonding time. I hope to bring each of my children here with me. In a world so full of screens, being in the woods together is a treasure.

  • Abide "Failure after failure, you welcome me back. No matter how far I've traveled off track. Despite my state, you meet me as I am. Kissing my wounds you reach down your hand. Gently, you offer your arms open wide, "Rest now, my child, Simply abide."

  • May we never lose our wonder.

  • As always the time here has been so refreshing to my soul. The writing I was able to do this time unlocked some things that have been choking my heart for ages. Than you times one billion.